TEBO Design was founded in 1981 by Jim Tiebout, four years after his arrival in Houston from upstate New York. He initially worked for Gulf Publishing Company in their book division and later as a freelance artist with the Graphic Support Group, where he worked in-house at various companies, including CRS, Baxter & Korge, Artworks, and others before opening his own studio.

Jim graduated with honors from the College of Graphic Arts and Photography at Rochester Institute of Technology with an emphasis in Design & Typography. His experience composing foundry type by hand in the typography lab gave him an understanding of how type works on the printed page. This informs his current work using computers to compose type for the page or screen, with an eye to creating even color and texture.

From 1977–79, he enrolled in classes at the Glassell School of Art, mfah studying Photography, Drawing Fundamentals I + II, Visual Fundamentals I + II, Life Drawing, and Color.

In the summer of 1982 he traveled to Dublin, Ireland for a Graphic Design Workshop at the National Academy of Art & Design through the School of Visual Arts, NYC. The faculty included Milton Glaser, Ed Benguiat, Richard Wilde, and James McMullen, with an international mix of students.
From 2001–05, he took classes in Web Design at Glasscock School of Continuing Studies, Rice University. He is currently using Flexbox and Grid to design websites with more engaging page layouts that display effectively across different browsers and devices.

He taught Graphic Design Classes at the University of Houston_Downtown from spring 1999–fall 2014. He designed a course syllabus for their newly created Bachelor of Arts in Fine Arts program, for which two classes were offered, introduction and advanced graphic design. These were taught in the fall and spring semesters for BAFA students who were Fine Arts, Music, or Theatre majors. He helped set up the computer lab for the courses, purchased an Epson color printer and implemented the use of Adobe Creative Suite for course work.
teaching gave him a fresh perspective on design and his work was enriched by the interaction with the students.